Thanks for reaching out, and offering up such thoughtful questions!
My apologies to anyone who attempts to read this full thing. I maybe don't always know where to cut these rambles off... but I figured if someone cared enough to ask, maybe someone would care enough to get my full thoughts in each topic.
I don't mind the rambling, but man those commas were a pain to edit around lol. In all seriousness, thank you for the opportunity to interview you! This one was 3,000-ish characters away from the character limit, which is definitely a new record for these interviews of mine lol.
Thanks for reaching out, and offering up such thoughtful questions!
My apologies to anyone who attempts to read this full thing. I maybe don't always know where to cut these rambles off... but I figured if someone cared enough to ask, maybe someone would care enough to get my full thoughts in each topic.
I don't mind the rambling, but man those commas were a pain to edit around lol. In all seriousness, thank you for the opportunity to interview you! This one was 3,000-ish characters away from the character limit, which is definitely a new record for these interviews of mine lol.